PG (3,1)
1 Dockree & Trotman's Stainlonan Rend of Penherald. 2y7m B. A lovely feminine bitch, pretty head, neat ears, dark eyes but kind soft expression, correct bite. A good reach of neck leading to a correct lay of shoulder & front angulation. Good depth of chest, spring of rib, topline has all the right curves & beautiful fall away to a well set tail. Held top line on the move, lovely in profile & coming towards but a little close behind on moving away. RBOB
2 Hodgkinson's Sonnybanks Celtic Dragon 18m D A lighter boned & less mature dog than 1st. Rather unsettled in the class. Generally a pleasing head with neat ears, dark eye & correct bite. good reach of neck to fair shoulder placement but could show a little more return of upper arm & angulation. Pleasing top line to good fall away and tail set. Feet could be slightly tighter. His movement generally was light with drive.
O (3,1)
1 Trotman & Dockree's Stainlonan Pagent of Penherald 2yr7m D A handsome dog. Masculine head with no coarseness, neat ears, dark soft but keen eyes, correct bite. Strong muscular neck into good lay of shoulder & good front angulation. Depth of chest, spring of rib,good under line & top line to good fall away & tail set. straight coming & going & in profile. Had the edge over RBOB on movement on the day, though on another day results could be swopped with PG winner. BOB GRP4 I see PG & O winners are litter siblings.
2. Greenhalgh's Regalflight Poacher at Leksmoor 4y9m D A lighter framed dog than above but he still had much to like about him. A pleasing head, showing neat correct ears, dark but kind eye, correct bite. Long neck flowing into a fair lay of shoulder & pleasing top line and continuing to a fair fall away and tail set. However, I would have liked to see a little more return of upper arm. Showed fair movement & balance but a little close behind.
Helga Jansons